Honeylands Childrens Charity received a cheque from the Devonshire Freemasons this week in the sum of £750. A fantastic gesture of support for the work of Honeylands its staff and the charity
. Please read below about the charitable work freemasons do across Devon each year. The photograph shows our treasurer Sarah receiving the cheque.
Honeylands Children’s
Centre Friends helped by Freemasons
As part of an annual programme of
charitable giving Devonshire Freemasons have again distributed over £20,000 to
21 local charities and worthy causes. The donations were presented by the
Provincial Grand Master of Devonshire, Right Worshipful Brother Ian Kingsbury,
at the Masonic Hall, Teignmouth to representatives from each of the Charities.
One of the Charities benefitting was Honeylands Children’s Charity who received
£750 to assist them in running their specialist child assessment centre for
children with complex special needs.
The donations come from the William
Alexander Kneel Endowment (WAKE) Fund which is currently worth approximately
£1.5M. It is a charitable fund which has been accumulated by legacies and
donations from Devonshire Freemasons and their families. Each year
approximately £40,000 is distributed amongst local charities and organisations
in Devon. The programme commenced in 2001 and since that date over £420,000 has
been donated to nearly 400 beneficiaries.
Whilst the individual sums may seem modest
each donation is meaningful and appreciated by the charity or local
organisation concerned. The Provincial Grand Master, Right Worshipful Brother
Ian Kingsbury commented “I am delighted that the Freemasons in Devon are able
to contribute to local causes. Many of these organisations are run on a
shoestring by volunteers and these donations provide real benefit and are much
Most of the recipient organisations have
been nominated by a local Masonic Lodge, usually where a member has a connection
with the organisation.
The attached photo shows Sarah Thomas
receiving the cheque from Ian Kingsbury.
For more information about Honeylands email